About Fur-Fighters


Fur-Fighters is a Non-Profit organization dedicated to diminishing modern-day animal abuse. Every day, hundreds of thousands of innocent animals are abused and tortured in order to serve humans and maximize profits for businesses and corporations. Most people would not agree with the way animals are mistreated in these various industries, they are just unaware of it, and support these practices without knowing. FurFighters aims to educate the public on all the ways animal abuse happens behind the scenes, so we can have all humans, businesses, and corporations take into consideration the emotional state and quality of life of all animals.

We started off with our primary focus on Puppy Mills and advocating for the adoption of shelter dogs. But why stop there? Underlying acts of animal cruelty happen in all aspects of life- from tiny mice to the big whales of our oceans, and most of this abuse is hidden from the public. Fur-Fighters exposes acts of animal cruelty, educates the public, provides acts of service, and helps be the voice for these innocent animals. 

Founded by Kyra Johansson in 2021, Fur-Fighters has a goal to make a difference in the lives of animals.

“Animals are not here for us, and humans are not superior to animals. We are all God’s creations and need to share this earth respectfully.”

Kyra is a dog-walker volunteer at the Niagara County SPCA in Niagara Falls, New York.

Our Mission

The Fur-Fighters connect people around the world in the fight to end animal abuse. We advocate for animals who are victims of abuse and cruelty caused by humans. We provide services to better the lives of animals, and we educate the public on ways they can help our fight.

Our vision is to have all humans show the compassion, care, and concern for the well-being of all animals that is needed in order to lead business' to change their practices to take into account animals emotions and quality of life. We fight for animal equality.